
                Gurugram University, Gurugram


Scheme of Bachelor of Computer Applications Programme

L= Lecture; T= Tutorial, P= Practicum; TI= Theory Internal Assessment; TE= Theory End Semester Examination; PI= Practicum Internal; PE= Practicum End Semester examination



Computer Fundamentals: Concept of data and information. Components of Computer. Input and Output Device, Components of CPU, Memory and Storage Devices, Classification of Computers, Advantages and Limitations of Computer, Applications of Computer, Social concerns of Computer Technology: Positive and Negative Impacts, Computer Crimes, Viruses and their remedial solutions.

Computer Software: System and Application Software, Overview of Operating System Programming Languages Machine. Assembly. High Level Language, 4GL. Language Translator, Linker and Loader.


Problem Solving: Problem Identification. Analysis, Algorithms, Flowcharts. Pseudo codes. Decision Tables. Program Coding. Program Testing and Execution.

C Programming Fundamentals: Keywords, Variables and Constants, Structure of a C program.


Operators & Expressions: Arithmetic, Unary, Logical. Bit-wise, Assignment & Conditional Operators. Decision Making: Decision making using if…else. Else If Ladder; Switch, break. Continue and Goto statements.


Loops: Looping using while, do…while, for statements. Nested loops. Functions: Defining & Accessing User defined functions. Library Functions, Function Prototype, Passing Arguments, Passing array as argument. Recursion, Use of Library Functions. Macro vs. Functions, Pointers in C.


Fundamentals of Computer & Programming in C LAB List of Experiments

  1. Write a C program to compute roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0, where a, b, and c are three coefficients of a quadratic equation are inputs.
  2. Design and develop an algorithm to find the reverse of an integer number.
  3. Design and develop an algorithm to check whether given number is PALINDROME or NOT. Implement a C program for the developed algorithm that takes an integer number as input and output the reverse of the same with suitable messages. Ex: Num: 2019, Reverse: 9102, Not a Palindrome.
  4. Design and develop a c program to implement simple calculator using switch case statement.
  5. Develop, implement and execute a C program to search a Number in a list using linear searching Technique.
  6. Develop an algorithm, implement and execute a C program that reads N integer numbers and arrange them in ascending order using Bubble Sort.
  7. Design and develop a C program to read and print a matrix and check whether a given Matrix is a sparse Matrix or not.
  8. a. Write a C program to implements the following string manipulation functions till the use wishes to continue (infinite loop):

(i) strcpy() (ii) srrlen() (iii) strrev () (iv) strcmp() (v) strcat().

  1. Read a sentence and print frequency of vowels and total count of consonant
  2. Design and develop a C function RightRotate (x, n) that takes two integers x and n as input and returns value of the integer x rotated to the right by n positions. Assume the integers are unsigned.
  3. Draw the flowchart and write a recursive C function to find the factorial of a number, n!, define by fact(n)=1, if n=0. Otherwise fact (n) =n*fact (n-1). Using this function, write a C program to compute the binomial coefficient nCr. Tabulate the results for different values of n and r with suitable messages
  4. Write a C program to maintain a record of n student details using an array of structures with four fields (Roll number, Name, Marks, and Grade). Assume appropriate data type for each field. Input & Print the members of the structure
  5. Write a C program using pointers to compute the sum, mean and standard deviation of all elements stored in an array of n real numbers.

                                                CC-ID2: PC SOFTWARE


Windows: Basics of Windows. Windows History, Basic components of windows, icons, types of icons, taskbar, activating windows, using desktop, title bar, running applications, Windows explorer, computer, managing files and folders, Configuring System devices. Control panel, using windows accessories.


Documentation Using Word-Processing package: Introduction to Word-Processing, Creating & Editing Document, Formatting Document, Auto-text, Autocorrect, Spelling and Grammar Tool, Document Dictionary, Page Formatting, Bookmark, Advance Features of Word-Processing: Mail Merge, Macros, Tables, Printing, Styles, linking and embedding object.


Electronic Spread Sheet – Introduction & area of use, Creating & Editing Worksheet, Formatting and Essential Operations, Formulas and Functions, Charts, Database Management: Sorting, Querying, Filtering, Table, Validation, Goal Seek, Scenario.


Presentation using PowerPoint: Presentations, Creating, Manipulating & Enhancing Slides, Organizational Charts, Excel Charts, Word Art, Layering art Objects, Animations and Sounds, Inserting Animated Pictures or Accessing through Object, Inserting Recorded Sound Effect or InBuilt Sound Effect.


PC Software LAB

List of Experiments

MS Word:

  • Adding text, editing text, finding and replacing text
  • Formatting text: font styles, sizes, colors, bold, italic, underline
  • Working with styles: creating, modifying, applying styles
  • Text indentation: first line, hanging, left and right
  • Page layout: setting margins, changing page size, orientation
  • Printing a document: adjusting print settings, previewing before print
  • Inserting page numbers, headers, footers
  • Inserting date and time and Inserting pictures, objects, shapes
  • Creating bulleted and numbered lists
  • Working with tables: creating, formatting, editing tables
  • Working with paragraphs and columns: alignment, spacing
  • Reviewing documents: track changes, adding comments, spell check, grammar check
  • Mail merge: creating from letters


MS Excel:

  • Entering data into cells
  • Formatting data: applying borders, currency formats, number formats, fonts
  • Creating custom lists
  • Using auto fill for data series
  • Finding and replacing data
  • Editing text: cut, copy, paste, paste special
  • Working with formulae: basic arithmetic, using functions
  • Applying conditional formatting to highlight data
  • Sorting and filtering data: auto filter, advanced filter
  • Working with charts: creating 2D charts
  • Page layout and printing options: adjusting print area, page setup


MS PowerPoint:

  • Creating and formatting slides in a presentation
  • Inserting graphics or pictures into slides
  • Placing a text box in the title slide with specific content (e.g., name)
  • Inserting transitions between slides
  • Applying custom animations to text and objects
  • Applying transitional effects to slides



Information Representation: Number Systems, Binary Arithmetic, Fixed-point and Floating-point representation of numbers, BCD Codes, Error detecting and correcting codes, Character Representation – ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode

Binary Logic: Boolean Algebra, Boolean Theorems, Boolean Functions and Truth Tables, Canonical and Standard forms of Boolean functions, Simplification of Boolean Functions –Venn Diagram, Karnaugh Maps.


Digital Logic: Basic Gates – AND, OR, NOT, Universal Gates – NAND, NOR, Other Gates – XOR, XNOR etc. Implementations of digital circuits using gates, Combinational Logic – Characteristics, Design Procedures, analysis procedures.

Combinational Circuits: Half-Adder, Full-Adder, Half-Subtractor, Full-Subtractor, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Comparators, Code Converters.


Sequential Logic: Characteristics, Flip-Flops, Clocked RS, D type, JK, T type and Master Slave flip-flops. State table, state diagram and state equations. Flip-flop excitation tables

Designing registers – Serial Input Serial Output (SISO), Serial Input Parallel Output (SIPO), Parallel Input Serial Output (PISO), Parallel Input Parallel Output (PIPO) and shift registers. Designing counters – Asynchronous and Synchronous Binary Counters, Modulo-N Counters and Up-Down Counters


Memory & I/O Devices: Memory Parameters, Semiconductor RAM, ROM, Magnetic and Optical Storage devices, Flash memory, I/O Devices and their controllers.

Instruction Design & I/O Organization: Machine instruction, Instruction set selection, Instruction cycle, Instruction Format and Addressing Modes. I/O Interface, Interrupt structure, Program-controlled, Interrupt controlled & DMA transfer, IOP.




Word Processing Basics: Creating, Formatting and Editing a Word Document: Word Wrap, Spelling and Grammar Check, Formatting Text and Paragraph, Paragraph Indents, Inserting and Formatting a Picture/ Clip Art in a Word document, Smart Art, Wrap Text around Images, Adding Effect to Images, Inserting Symbols and Equations, Document, Bullet and Numbered List, Find and Replace, Page Setup.


Advance Features of Word Processing: Formatting Tables, Align Cell Text, Merge Cell, Text Directions, Adding a Chart and Chart Styles, using and Making Templates, Mail- Merge, Add to Dictionary, Treasures, Character Map, Headers and Footers, Page Numbering, Page Borders, Creating Columns, Creating and Dropping Comments, Watermark


Excel Basics: About Ribbon Menus, Creating & Editing Worksheet, Use of Various Data Types, Text Orientation, Formatting Spreadsheet: Cell Alignment and Border, Freeze Panes, Conditional Formatting, Using Formulas and Functions, VLookup, Cell Referencing, Page Setup, Page Options, Customizing Margins, Headers and Footers, Print Options, Print Formulas.

Unit – IV

Excel Advance Features: Transferring Data to and From Non-Worksheet Files, Database Handling, Adding, Formatting and Customising Chart, Change Chart Type, Sorting Data, Use of Filters, Data Analysis with Goal Seek and Scenario Manager, Creating Scenario, Creating Pivot Tables, Using Slicers, Pivot Chart, Creating a Drop Down List, Locking Cells, Using Multiple Workbooks.


Front Desk Management Lab

List of Experiments

MS Word:

  • Adding text, editing text, finding and replacing text
  • Formatting text: font styles, sizes, colors, bold, italic, underline
  • Working with styles: creating, modifying, applying styles
  • Text indentation: first line, hanging, left and right
  • Page layout: setting margins, changing page size, orientation
  • Printing a document: adjusting print settings, previewing before print
  • Inserting page numbers, headers, footers
  • Inserting date and time and Inserting pictures, objects, shapes
  • Creating bulleted and numbered lists
  • Working with tables: creating, formatting, editing tables
  • Working with paragraphs and columns: alignment, spacing
  • Reviewing documents: track changes, adding comments, spell check, grammar check
  • Mail merge: creating from letters

MS Excel:

  • Entering data into cells
  • Formatting data: applying borders, currency formats, number formats, fonts
  • Creating custom lists
  • Using auto fill for data series
  • Finding and replacing data
  • Editing text: cut, copy, paste, paste special
  • Working with formulae: basic arithmetic, using functions
  • Applying conditional formatting to highlight data
  • Sorting and filtering data: auto filter, advanced filter
  • Working with charts: creating 2D charts
  • Page layout and printing options: adjusting print area, page setup

MS PowerPoint:

  • Creating and formatting slides in a presentation
  • Inserting graphics or pictures into slides
  • Placing a text box in the title slide with specific content (e.g., name)
  • Inserting transitions between slides
  • Applying custom animations to text and objects
  • Applying transitional effects to slides



Real number system, Operations on numbers, Tests for divisibility of natural numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Square roots, Cube roots, Surds and indices, Use of BODMAS.


HCF, LCM of integers, Ratio and Proportion, Progressions: Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Harmonic Progression with their simple and basic practical applications, Number series completion.


Percentage, Profit & Loss, Alligation or mixture, Average, Average speed problems, Calendar.


Logarithms, Area of Quadrilaterals (Parallelogram, Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Trapezium), Volume and surface area of Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere and Hemisphere.